Monday 19 July 2021

Corona Viruses india

 India recorded 38 164 new cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) in the last 24 hours, taking the national figure to 31,144,229, according to an 8am review by the Department of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Monday. With 38,660 new recurrences and 499 deaths at the same time, the number of repatriated people and the death toll had risen to 30,308,456 and 414,108, respectively. Covid-19 recovery rate now stands at 97.31 percent.

Active cases have seen a 995 drop from Sunday figures and now stand at 421,665 - making up 1.36 percent of the total cases, a morning review by the health department showed.

A total of 445,422,256 samples have been tested in the country since the outbreak, showing ICMR details on Monday.

how to make money online

Making money online or running an online business is a dream come true for all online entrepreneurs. But this dream is not easily achieved, not because of hard work, but because of the existence of many unreliable and often fraudulent methods online. So, we have come up with an easy way to make money online .. be sure to check out !!

Whether you want to make quick money or a temporary income or you want to build a future monetization business, the internet can be a great place for you.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Free fire

I don't know what anyone said about free fire. But in my mind, I expressed my thoughts about free fire.

Free Fire is a game that is just a waste of money. However, it has many girlfriends with whom you can play games at night and have a lot of fun.

If you want to know the rest, follow the next blog.

How to make fool some one

 Make parfect your self.

Tighten yourself before you become a fool to people.

Lock down

 Lockdown is very bad things for me. 

Lockdown is a very bad experience. But if we want to stop Corona, we have to abide by the lockdown.

If there is a lockdown, the car will not run and the factory will be closed. But the pocket money does not stop running out, the boron increases.

How to make Blog

 Hello guys i don't know how to write a blog so please any one can help me please?